We perform various other types of agreed upon procedures in accordance with the applicable professional standards. The objective of agreed upon procedures is specified by the client. Agreed upon procedures allow the client to specify exactly what type of services they would like, how many of those types of items they would like for us to review, and what period to look at. Some examples of agreed upon procedures are:

  1. Internal control testing and recommendations;
  2. Bank reconciliations and confirmations;
  3. Accounts receivable testing and verification;
  4. Inventory inspection and testing;
  5. Property, plant and equipment inspection and verification;
  6. Establishment of a capitalization policy;
  7. Financial statement and break-even analysis;
  8. Retirement plan consulting;
  9. Office of Management and Budget Circulars application, implementation and consultation.

Just like all our other services, we strive to provide timely communications regarding our agreed upon procedure testing and insight that may affect the client’s business.



